WATSAN Project
(Promoting Community Based Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Practice in the Rural Area of Shariatpur)Project Objective: The main objective of the project is to increase accessibility of water, sanitation and proper hygiene practice to the poor and...
Project Accomplishment
The WATSAN project has gained enormous acceptability among locals within a very short period of time. People voluntarily take part in carrying building materials into the remote areas and perform physical act alongside the hired labours.The tube-wells are...
Too late to get approval from NGOABSome major activities were planned to implement in 3rd year but are required to be implemented in the 1st year. SDS contacted the MAX foundation on this regard, but still no formal response.Most of the working Unionsare...
Scopes for Improvement
SDS working strategy isto develop partnerships with Local, National and international level organizations. Through implementing the WATSAN project we learnt that active collaboration and partnerships with village WATSAN Committee (VWC) and local Volunteers...
Project Case Study
This informal conversation took place between Ms. AmenaBala(Village: KadirMollarKandi , ward No- 9, Arshinagor UP under the BhedorgoanjUpazilla) and Community Mobilizer (SDS, Shariatpur) Md. AkterHossain on 12th November 2012 to understand the perception,...