- The WATSAN project has gained enormous acceptability among locals within a very short period of time. People voluntarily take part in carrying building materials into the remote areas and perform physical act alongside the hired labours.
- The tube-wells are meant to serve 20-30 families who made contributions towards the initial installation of the well. But during summer as many as 100 families collect water from a single well. Although due to this situation, the wells are subjected to extra pressure during summer, more people benefit from a single well.
- Statistically speaking, the number of installed deep tube-wells might be enough to serve the people of a particular area. But since most of these tube-wells have been installed into the houses of local influential, poor people don’t have access to it. The highly capable community mobilizers of the WATSAN project have been able to overcome this corrupted outlook by maintaining a healthy understanding with the local political leaders. WATSAN project have successfully installed deep tube-wells into the houses of the underprivileged, moreover, due to this healthy relationship, sometimes the Chairman and Members help resolve issues with the installation.